Climatic changes are no new phenomena as they are observed in day to day lives of every region, city and town. But what is barely observed in these circumstances is awareness among the children.  With the increasing consequences of climate change like extreme weather events, rising sea levels and loss of biodiversity, climate education among children must also increase accordingly. Climate education is necessary for children as they are the future leaders of the future generations and by making them aware of climate change, and its negative impact on the environment, they will take steps to reduce it.

To make any community resilient to climate action, the knowledge of climate science in its technical and scientific terms is important. Climate education will make the children aware of the impacts linked to it like the causes and effects of global warming, the natural systems that regulate the Earth’s climate, and how human activities exacerbate climate change through deforestation, pollution and ocean acidification. By being aware of the issues, they will not only address these issues but also adopt sustainable approaches to their daily lives. At this age, children are only aware of the conventional knowledge conveyed to them by their parents or forefathers. It is time to unlearn this knowledge and learn technical and scientific knowledge.

In order to raise children's awareness, climate education must be included in school curricula. The science of climate change, its effects on the environment, and strategies for lowering carbon emissions should all be taught to students. Additionally, getting kids involved in environmental programmes and projects like tree planting, waste reduction, and energy conservation can support climate education. By having a conversation about it with their kids at home, sharing documentaries or instructional videos with them, and involving them in outdoor activities like nature walks, parents and other adults should take the effort to help kids understand about climate change. To ensure a sustainable future for all, it is essential to instill in children the value of climate education.

The knowledge of climate science will foster a sense of climate awareness and instil responsibility for the environment as their minds are in the phase of cognitive development. This age is the perfect time for the children to develop a lifelong plan to lead a sustainable life by taking steps to transform their daily activities from energy conservation to waste reduction. As the stewards of the planet Earth, they will also look forward to ways where they can realize the importance of environmental conservation and preservation, as well as how their behaviours may help to lessen the environment's adverse impacts.

Climate education and awareness will motivate them to take small sustainable practices like recycling, plantation, clean-ups, energy conservation, the use of renewable energy sources, and other green initiatives. By adopting these practices not only they will become environmentally conscious citizens but these habits will change to constructive activism, advocating for policy changes, and encouraging sustainable practices in their communities later in their lives. Climate education will also be beneficial in nurturing young minds with ideas that will develop innovative solutions to climate-related problems by excelling in the fields of climate science, environmental engineering, policy-making and entrepreneurship.

Adoption of sustainable activities leads the way to sustainable lifestyles and sustainable communities, and this can be done by educating children about the concept of carbon footprint and how they can assess these in daily activities like transportation, diet, and consumer habits. As conscious consumers, individuals can steer demand for eco-friendly products and services, stimulating businesses to adopt sustainable practices.

Climate education is as necessary for the children as is quality basic education as the children are the future change makers and climate education and awareness will play a necessary part in enhancing their roles as agents of change. And as they comprehend that their actions will have far-reaching consequences they will adopt more actions that will support and cooperate in initiatives internationally that support sustainable development.

Climate education is an urgent necessity and not simply a choice. It empowers citizens with the values, information, and abilities necessary to address the intricate problems posed by climate change. We can raise a generation of environmentally conscious citizens dedicated to constructing a more just and sustainable world by promoting environmental awareness, enabling activism, and grooming the next generation of leaders. To make climate education a top priority and pave the path for a better future for people and the world, governments, educators, and communities must work together.

 About the Author: Muqadas Batool is currently pursuing her MPhil degree in Environmental Sciences. Alongside, she is also working on her project "Ecopowered Women".