The World day to Combat Desertification and Droughts is observed annually on 17th of June, which reminds us to address the intimidations of desertification and degradation. This international adherence raise the awareness regarding the overwhelming consequences of desertification, promote its recovery, sustainable land use and ensuring global efforts to face this environmental challenge. Making the theme of this year “Restoration and Land Recovery”, this event emphasizes the prominence of restoring degraded land, to achieve sustainable development goals and mitigate climate change.

The process of desertification refers to degradation of land which may be arid, semi-arid or dry sub humid area. This degradation of land is mainly caused by the anthropogenic activities and climatic deviations. Unjustifiable agricultural practices, deforestation, overgrazing, urbanization, and improper water management are the contributing factors to the loss of fertile soil, reduced biodiversity, and increased vulnerability to droughts and food insecurity. Climate change worsens these challenges, leading to more frequent and severe desertification.

The influence of desertification extends far beyond the impacted areas. Loss of productive land and soil erosion result in reduced agricultural yields, posing a threat to food security for millions of people. This problem also lead to displacement of the communities as they have no resources to depend upon so the communities in search of food and other things migrate in search of viable resources. Moreover, it contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change and further disrupting global ecosystems.

The World Day to Combat Desertification serves as a catalyst for action. It urges individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to come together to implement sustainable land management practices and initiatives. Strategies such as reforestation, afforestation, soil conservation, and water management play crucial roles in restoring degraded land. Promoting sustainable agricultural practices, supporting local communities, and enhancing the resilience of ecosystems are essential components of combating desertification.

To address the problem of desertification, there is dire need for international cooperation and collaborations. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) plays a vivacious role in simplifying global efforts to combat desertification, coordinate actions, and promote sustainable land management practices worldwide. Through the UNCCD, countries share knowledge, exchange best practices, and establish partnerships to address the complex challenges posed by desertification.

On World Day to Combat Desertification, we must recognize the earnestness of preserving our planet's vital ecosystems. By restoring degraded land, implementing sustainable practices, and raising awareness, we can mitigate the impact of desertification and secure a more sustainable future. Let us stand together to protect our land, promote resilience, and foster the well-being of communities and ecosystems worldwide.


United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). (n.d.). Retrieved from

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). (n.d.). Desertification and Drought. Retrieved from

About the Author: Meraj Ahsan Qureshi is an advocate and champion for the protection and preservation of the natural environment, working towards sustainable practices and raising awareness about environmental issues for a greener and healthier planet.