Wardah Razzaq, Green Blogger

“Sustainability is everywhere”.

The, word sustainability is used to describe anything from agriculture and economic growth to tuna on your frozen pizza. It, is a term which had been used very occasionally since the 1980’s. We often come across the attractive and shiny green sustainability labels, which tells us that no tree or any living organism should be harmed by us. We should rather protect them instead of harming them. “Sustainable”, is simply a synonym for “Green” or “Eco-Friendly”.

Need Of Sustainable Development And Why Does It Matters?

One, fact which cannot be denied is that sustainable development is a complex concept but it, is the need of the hour. Perhaps, it is defined as, “the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. So, sustainable development is very important for our country, society and for our lives. We should adopt a eco-friendly and healthy sustainable lifestyle. Humans are the greatest resource. Society, economy, and environment are co-related with each other. The way we consume (economy) affects both the way we live together (society) and our natural ecosystems (environment). Whatever, way you look at it, they all influence each other. We, needs to realize this fact that to fulfil our needs and those of our future generations needs we, needs to protect our environment and conserve its resources and species. Earth is our only homeland. We have no other planet other than our, “Motherland Earth”. So, why not to protect her.

Live Green, Love Green And Be Green”.

About the Author: A graduate of environment from PU, Lahore. An environmentalist and an environmental writer and a climate activist. She is envisioned to raise awareness among the people related to different environmental issues and committed at guiding and making the people aware that how they can become the responsible citizens of Pakistan sustainably and eco-friendly. She loves to write on nature, environment and climate.