Wardah Razzaq, Green Blogger
Climate change is one of the unprecedented challenges
which our planet, “Earth” and mankind faces today. We have already
encountered unpredictable glacial melting, rising sea levels, raging wildfires,
the migration of various dangerous parasites, disease vectors like, mosquitoes,
ticks and a myriad of extreme and devastating weather events. This all
indicates that the situation would likely to get worsened in future if, not
controlled timely.
What is Climate Change?
Climate change is basically a change in global or
regional climate patterns over time. Mostly, the term refers to the rapid
changes in the Earth’s temperature and weather patterns
since the late 1800s. It, is caused due to an increased proportion of the
greenhouse gases in our atmosphere but this concept should not be confused with
the concept of. “Global Warming”.
The Facts About Climate Change
Climate change is one of a real problem and it is not
just a topic of political debate. It, demands proactive steps for its spread
across the globe. The, amount of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
matters. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are the number one
contributor to climate change. Other than that, transportation, energy and
industries are also among the significant contributors to the disastrous
climate change. As, a result of it temperature rises, wildlife's are
effected and droughts and floods becomes very common.
The Myths
First, myth related to it is that more carbon
dioxide is beneficial for the plants. It, is true that plants growth
increased in the 80s and 90s, but this trend seems to be slowing down. Plants
require carbon dioxide for their survival but they also needs water and
droughts are becoming very common and more severe.
Secondly, climate change cannot be attributed to
human activity. Many, researchers claims the fact that climate change is
one of a natural process and not as the result of human activity. But
human-created greenhouse gases mainly lead to climate change.
How You Can Help?
Climate change is one of a global problem. But you can
get rid of this by reducing your carbon footprint. Walk instead of driving,
buying locally sourced food, eating less meat and more vegetables are some of
the excellent simple ways to help. Support energy suppliers and green energy.
About the Author: A graduate of environment from PU.
She is an environmentalist, an environmental writer and a climate activist. She
is envisioned to raise awareness among the people related to different
environmental issues and committed at guiding and making the people aware that
how they can become the responsible citizens of Pakistan sustainably and environmentally
friendly. She loves to write on nature, environment and climate.