Asma Afzal, Environmentalist, Green-blogger. 

Transportation is a process through which people move from one place to another it is very essential issue in lives of people cannot live without it. Transport provides us facilities to go out from our homes to work, education, institutions and many other sectors. But in developing countries transportation system is very poor and suffering from different problems, road accidents, non -monitored transportsystem. Transport system has great impact on our environment. It causes high noise pollution and air pollution. They generate greenhouse gases as population increases in our cities mode of transport also increase. Urbanization causes complex transportation. Transportation in developing countries Owning a private car or a motorized two-wheeler is a major desire for the inhabitants in developing countries, especially when public transportation is unsafe, inhuman and insufficient. As urban economies grow, the income of the upper and middle-class people increases; according to this increase the ownership of private vehicles increases. As a result, when vehicles increase urban traffic congestion is rigorously increasing, and vice versa. 

Urban Transportation Problems 

1. Traffic congestion 

2. Longer communities 

3. In efficient transport for public 

4. Non-motorized transport

5. Infrastructure cost 

6. Accidents and safety issues 

Green sustainable transport 

Due to these issues, there is need to develop a green transport system for the we define green transport as any form of transportation that takes humanity in the account, offers affordable, safe, and different types of transport mode. Also, it depends on renewable or regenerated energy rather than fossil fuels and has a low impact on the environment. Green transport system minimizes the impact of pollution on environment there are different modes of green transport such as; 

  • Bicycle  
  • Electric bike  
  • Electrical vehicles 
  • Green trains 
  • Hybrid cars 
  • Monorails 
  •  Pedestrians walk to school, and nearby offices reduce harmful effects of vehicles.

Benefits of Green Transport 

  • Reduces greenhouse gases 
  • Save money 
  • Improve health and quality of life 
  • Contribute in sustainable economy 

Sustainable urban transportation system requires strengthening the features of the system and addressing them in an integrated manner. Responsibility of government is to develop infrastructure, construct roads, and implement green transport. Metro bus Lahore is a great initiative by Punjab government to reduce traffic problems and provide public transport.

The key strategies include: ● Transform to energy-efficient forms of transportation by taking advantage of new vehicle technology for private cars and public modes of transport, such as hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles. In addition to public transportation such as BRT and monorail. ● Preparing transportation master plans for existing and new communities. ● Taking advantage of smart mobile applications such as; route planning, ridesharing/carpooling/vanpooling, travel information and vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. ● Dedicate special lanes for busses and bicycles, to protect them from car traffic. ● More concern to the maintenance of road infrastructure instead of constructing new infrastructure. ● Laws and regulations are essential, but it is important to enforce these laws and regulations. ● Quickly finish line 3 and 4 of the metro.

About the Author:  Asma Afzal is an Environmentalist and a Green-blogger, who is enthusiastic about environment and green sustainable approaches.