Coronavirus plastic waste polluting the environment
Single-use masks, gloves and containers of sanitizer protecting us from the spread of COVID-19 are ending up on the streets, in the seas and among wildlife.
Impact on wildlife
Gloves, masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) are critical for those battling the pandemic but on the other hand are broadly utilized by people in general. In any case, since they're not constantly discarded appropriately. environmentalists fear negative ramifications for wildlife and the fight against plastic pollution. If they're thrown on the streets ,when it rains the gloves and face covers(masks) will in the long run end up in the ocean.
Environmentalists such as Stokes, dread disposal of covers and gloves will add to the continuous battle against plastic contamination in the ocean. What's more, when they get into the water, they represent a danger to marine life. A recently published study showed that when plastic is left in the water long enough and algae and bacteria grow on it, it actually smells like food to turtles."
How to appropriately recycle face covers? it is a problem.
PPE items not left to glide(float) about in the earth and the ocean ,are not really simple to manage either. Sustainable practices take a back seat in times of crisis. Indeed, even gloves made of latex elastic a natural product, aren't always an eco-friendly choice, It depends on the chemical additives used to produce them, some of them can harm the environment when they decompose. Washable masks can reduce the spread of the illness(disease). The World Health Organization (WHO) disclosed to DW that standard hand washing offers more assurance(protection) against getting COVID-19 than wearing elastic gloves while out in open territories(public place).
Non washable- single use masks, gloves contribute a large portion in the plastic waste during pandemic. Waste management is also not satisfactory in our country, which means other health implications are on the way.
About the Author: Maimoona Ilyas, Student of Environment at GCWUS, is keen to write about environmental situations prevailing globally.