Microbial diversity refers to the variety of
microbes that live in various habitats, such as bacteria, fungus, viruses, and
archaea. Due to their contributions to soil fertility, plant growth, and crop
protection, microbes are crucial to agriculture (Fierer &
Lennon, 2011; Mohanty & Swain, 2018; Odelade & Babalola, 2019).
talk about the value of microbial biodiversity in agriculture and how it
supports sustainable farming in this blog.
Importance of Microbial Biodiversity
The decomposition of organic matter, which
releases nutrients for plant growth, is carried out by soil microbes.
Mineralization is the process by which organic matter is transformed into
inorganic nutrients that are readily assimilated by plants. The development of
soil aggregates, which enhance soil structure and water-holding capacity, is
also facilitated by microbes (Cheng &
Kuzyakov, 2005; Hallett & Young, 1999; Helgason et al., 2010).
Rhizosphere microbes, which live in the soil
around plant roots, are essential for plant growth. These microorganisms can
also create compounds that encourage plant growth, such as auxins, cytokinins,
and gibberellins, and they aid plants in absorbing nutrients like nitrogen and
phosphate. These elements promote plant growth and development, which raises
crop output and quality (Gupta et al.,
2015; Khatoon et al., 2020; Kumar et al., 2015; Kumar, 2016; Nihorimbere et
al., 2011).
Microbes can also aid in crop protection by
keeping crops free of pests and diseases. Antibiotics and other bioactive
substances that suppress the growth of plant diseases are produced by some
soil-borne microorganisms. Moreover, some microorganisms, like mycorrhizal
fungi, can collaborate with plants to benefit the plant's resistance to illness
(Ab Rahman et
al., 2018; Jung et al., 2012; Morgan et al., 2005).
Microbial Biodiversity and Sustainable
Agriculture must maintain microbial
biodiversity if it is to be sustained. A decrease in microbial diversity may
result from the rise in monoculture in agriculture during the past few years.
Growing only one crop on a big scale, or monoculture, can reduce the fertility
of the soil and increase plant diseases and pests. For the preservation of
healthy soils and the advancement of sustainable agriculture, microbial
diversity is crucial (Altieri, 1998;
HE et al., 2019; Peralta et al., 2018; Power & Follett, 1987; Singh, 2021).
Crop rotations, cover crops, and the use of
microbial inoculants are some of the techniques that can be used to incorporate
microbial biodiversity into agricultural processes. Growing several crops
successively can help maintain soil fertility and lower insect and disease
burdens. This practice is known as crop rotation. In order to increase the
amount of nutrients in the soil and strengthen the soil structure, cover
cropping entails growing a non-cash crop in between the primary crop. To boost
microbial variety and enhance plant growth, microbial inoculants are microbial
preparations that can be added to soil or seed (Guerrieri et
al., 2020; Shrestha, 2005).
Food security also heavily depends on
microbial biodiversity. By 2050, the world's population is predicted to reach
9.7 billion, and agriculture will need to produce more food to keep up with the
rising demand. By promoting soil fertility and plant growth, defending crops
from pests and diseases, and lowering the need for chemical fertilizers and
pesticides, microbial diversity can help enhance agricultural yields and
improve food security (Arora, 2018,
2019; Elferink & Schierhorn, 2016; Imathiu, 2020; Preece & Peñuelas,
Nutrient cycling, which is crucial for plant
development and food production, is mostly controlled by microbes. Organic
matter in the soil is broken down by microbes, releasing nutrients that plants
can take up. The long-term preservation of soil fertility and the development
of high-quality crops both depend on this process (Brady &
Weil, 1999; De GRAAFF et al., 2006; Lavelle & Martin, 1992; Palm et al.,
1997; Tittonell et al., 2008).
Moreover, microbes can aid in the defense of
crops against pests and diseases, lowering crop losses and enhancing food
security. For instance, some bacteria can create substances that are poisonous
to insects, while other bacteria can compete with plant pathogens for
resources, which lessens their capacity to spread illness (Ab Rahman et al.,
2018; Christou & Twyman, 2004; Orrell & Bennett, 2013).
Reducing the usage of pesticides and
artificial fertilizers, which can have detrimental effects on both the
environment and human health, is another benefit of incorporating microbial
biodiversity into agricultural methods. We can build a more resilient and
sustainable agricultural system that can supply food to a growing population by
encouraging healthy soils and minimizing the need for chemicals (Arif et al.,
2020; ESCAP, 2012; Lowry et al., 2019; Meena et al., 2020).
In conclusion, agriculture and food security
are greatly impacted by microbial biodiversity. The health of the soil is
influenced by microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and algae, which improve
soil fertility, nutrient cycling, and disease prevention. They are essential
for producing fermented meals, enhancing food safety, and maintaining food
quality. Microorganisms can also be employed to create bio pesticides, bio
fertilizers, and other bio-based products that can replace chemical inputs,
minimizing the adverse effects on the environment. Food security is threatened
by the loss of microbial variety brought on by intensive farming methods,
degraded soil, and climate change. Thus, it is crucial to promote sustainable
agricultural techniques including crop rotation, intercropping, and
agroforestry that support the preservation of microbial diversity. In order to
improve food security and sustainability, research on microbial diversity and
its role in agriculture must continue to produce more effective and
environmentally friendly solutions.
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About the Author: Qudrat Ullah and Etisam
Mazhar are the MPhil scholars of Environmental Sciences at Government College
University Faisalabad, Pakistan.