The yearly event of world animal day has been celebrated over many years across the world on the October 4th. This day is significant as it reminds us that humans have co-existed with animals for centuries and that animals have an equal right of welfare.

As human civilizations have grown and developed, a continuous pattern of natural degradation has been observed. This can be depicted by a number of habitat loss either via deforestation or habitat fragmentation. This has resulted in biodiversity loss at a very alarming rate. It is also evident via IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) red list that more than a hundred animal species have gone extinct over the last decade, this includes Madagascar hippopotamus, Caribbean Monk Seal, Formosan Clouded Leopard, Yangtze Dolphin and West African Black Rhinoceros just to mention a few.

Different strategies are being adapted to recede if not reverse the biodiversity loss. One of the most successful has been establishment of Protected Areas where successful conservation of targeted animals has been observed as well as the fact that those animals that dwell in that ecosystem have been able to be conserve under the targeted animal’s umbrella.

Furthermore, educating ourselves of endangered and threatened species will help us more conscious and connected to the nature. On a personal level, we can make an impact by being conscious of our consumption by educating ourselves about how different goods we use are being sourced. If the means are ethical or not.

The day is therefore a humble reminder that these animals are the ones most impacted by the footprints being left during the Anthropocene era. This day is not only a reminder to act but also to educate ourselves about the impacts of our actions. To understand and learn the status of threatened and endangered species of our own locality and then working to actually conserve them on both local and governmental level.

About the Author: Ifrah Malik is a marine science student, and a science and conservation enthusiast. She likes to write about the climate crisis faced today and aims to spread & educate through her words. She often spreads the same message on her own blog resilient earth by writing poetry and blogs. Her philosophy is that the climate crisis we are seeing today are a trailer for what's to come, so we must act now by doing, saying and writing. But we must do something!