World Ozone Day also known as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is observed every year on September 16 in an effort to raise awareness of the ozone layer's deterioration and identify potential ways to protect it. On this day, ozone layer-related discussions and seminars are held by participants from all over the world. Teachers inform students of the advantages of the ozone layer, and awareness-raising events and activities are planned.

History & Background

The date was chosen by the UN General Assembly in 1994 to mark the occasion of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer by countries on that day in 1987. The onset of the ozone layer's depletion necessitated the declaration of an action to protect it.

Ozone Layer is mostly located in the lower stratosphere, between 10 and 22 miles above the surface of the planet, with variations depending on location and seasons. The majority of the UV light from the Sun is absorbed by the earth's stratosphere's ozone layer. Though it is relatively tiny in comparison to other gases in the stratosphere, it has a greater concentration of ozone than other regions of the atmosphere.

Stratospheric Ozone Vs. Tropospheric Ozone

Living organisms are shielded from the sun's UV radiation by Stratospheric ozone which is formed naturally in the upper atmosphere. It shelters the Earth from harmful impacts that might otherwise happen. Why is ozone considered deadly if it shields us from harmful effects? That is because we fail to distinguish between stratospheric ozone and tropospheric ozone also known as ground level ozone. Contrary to stratospheric ozone, tropospheric ozone is produced by the interplay of naturally occurring and artificially produced (man-made) emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the presence of heat and sunshine. It can lead to a number of health issues, especially for young individuals, the elderly, and those of all ages who have lung conditions like asthma.

Protecting the Ozone Layer

Reduce usage of automobiles

Urban, bicycle, or foot travel are the finest modes of transportation. If you need to go somewhere, consider carpooling to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, which will reduce pollution and cost.

Buying local goods

By doing this, you avoid ingesting food that has traveled great distances and also acquire fresh items. Due to the medium utilized to carry that product, nitrous oxide is created greater the further it is transported.

Avoid consuming gases that, owing to their composition or production method, are harmful to the ozone layer

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), halogenated hydrocarbons, methyl bromide, and nitrous oxide are some of the most hazardous gases.

Maintaining Air Conditioners

Keep air conditioners in good working order because when they break down, CFCs leak into the atmosphere.

Change of Cleaning Products

Useless cleaning products that are bad for the environment and us should not be used. Many cleaning solutions include corrosive solvents, but you may swap these harmful ingredients out for non-toxic ones like vinegar or bicarbonate.

About the Author: Iman Haroon is a graduate from Government College Women University Sialkot, Pakistan. She has done her Bachelors in Environmental Science and is a green blogger who has volunteered to write for TENL in order to raise environmental awareness.