As we see that every sector is trying to follow a sustainable pathway, so it is important that our financial sector should work in that domain too. Though there are numerous organizations such as GCF, GEF, Foresight Group, Octopus Investors etc. who are providing funds for environment, climate and sustainable development as well as WWF, SDSN and many others are also known which provide small grants for sustainable projects. Still, we need more attention towards sustainable funding.

Recently, we have seen a trend that investors are more interested to invest in green and sustainable projects rather than in those whose sole purpose is to make fiscal profits. This has altered the working style of several small and large setups to work sustainably in their very area to become well reputed in the international community.

But why the investors are looking for sustainable projects? Why is it needed to invest in green initiatives? What investment in planet mean?

The investors are looking for sustainable projects because the earth is facing the largest crisis of all time in terms of mass extinction, climate disaster etc., so they need to invest in something that can prove to be a sustainable project.

Investment in planet means to fund such initiatives, businesses, projects which provide no harm to the planet and the people. It means to grant funds to such projects which are economically viable, environmentally safe, and socially acceptable.

This is the instant to bring the revolution— the business climate, the political climate, and how we act on climate. Today is the time for the irresistible bravery to reserve and guard our health, our families, our livelihoods.

Together, we must Invest In Our Planet, as a green future is a prosperous future.

A bold action, a broad innovation and an equitable implementation is the need. A partnership with planet is required to be made by the governments, businesses, and citizens.

Though the climate crisis is here but we can make the difference. We can still pick a prosperous and sustainable future, and time to refurbish nature and shape a healthy planet for our children and their children, but time is short.

#InvestInOurPlanet #EarthDay #happyearthday

About the Author: Maryam Eqan is an Executive In-chief and Founder of The Earth Needs Love. She believes in youth engagement and activism for environment, climate, and sustainable development.