temperature and precipitation patterns are affected by climate change. Extreme
environmental phenomena such as forest fires, hurricanes, heat waves, floods,
droughts, and storms are influenced by these effects, which in turn influence
their intensity and, in some circumstances, frequency.
In the previous
30 years, the number of climate-related disasters has tripled. The rate of
global sea-level rise was 2.5 times greater between 2006 and 2016 than it was
for practically the entire twentieth century.
In the first
month of 2022, several environmental disasters struck the world, including
heavy rains and floods in Brazil, Iran, and Madagascar; heavy snowfall in
Turkiye, Pakistan, and the United States; wildfires in Spain and Argentina; and
volcanic eruptions in Ecuador's Wolf volcano and the Pacific nation of Tonga.
What Is The Relationship Between Natural Disasters And Climate
Many natural catastrophes,
such as floods, storms, landslides, and droughts, are increasingly being
recognised as the most extreme effects of climate change induced by human
activity. The world has warmed by 1.2 degrees Celsius since pre-industrial
times. The UN estimates that existing emission-control pledges will result in a
2.7-degree warmer world by 2100, increasing the frequency and intensity of such
Fast and slow natural
disasters are the two types of 'natural' disasters. Storms, floods, landslides,
and heat waves are examples of fast disasters that have immediate and visible
consequences. Droughts, increases in water and soil salinity, and crop losses
are gradual disasters, thus the effects may take longer. They
take time to appear, but they can be very serious. All of these disasters are
becoming more frequent and intense as a result of climate change, according to
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
That observation has been
validated time and time again in South Asia and the Himalayas during the last
decade. Monsoon disruption, increased salt in coastal areas due to rising sea
levels, and flash floods driven by quicker glacier melting are just a few of
the 'natural' disasters rendered more common and severe by human-induced
climate change.
Cyclones Are More Powerful
Due To Climate Change
Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal have
suddenly increased in intensity when they pass across the sea in recent years.
This, according to scientists, is due to the higher-than-before sea surface
temperature, which is a result of climate change. This implies that more water
evaporates and is drawn into the storm's vortex, increasing the cyclone's
destructive potential.
What Causes Floods In South
Asia As A Result Of Climate Change?
Climate warming, according to
scientists at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, would make the
South Asian monsoon more irregular than previously in 2020. Within a year, this
was confirmed: during the 2021 June-September monsoon, there were many rainless
days, interrupted by bouts of torrential rainfall in the lowlands and
cloudbursts in the mountains. As a result, droughts and floods occurred in rapid
succession, sometimes even in the same area. One example is the Bundelkhand
region, which lies along the Indo-Gangetic plains' southern boundary.
Floods in Assam and Bihar have
grown so common that they no longer receive the attention they deserve in the
media. Climate change has exacerbated the problem, as have poorly built flood-control
measures such as dams and embankments.
What Causes Landslides In
The Himalayas As A Result Of Climate Change?
Cloudbursts in the Himalayas nearly
always result in flash floods and landslides. Hill slopes in this, the world's
youngest mountain range, are already less stable than in other ranges, and they
have eroded.
There is a higher amount of loose
dirt in their soil. Dam construction and poorly designed roadbuilding projects
have rendered the slopes even more unstable. In terms of events, fatalities,
and economic damage, the number of landslides in 2021 was far too high to
As happened in Nepal's Melamchi
river basin in 2021, cloudbursts and landslides are now occurring in the
Himalayan region right from the start of the monsoon season.
What Exactly Is A GLOF?
When water in a glacial lake -
produced by water that has melted from a glacier – bursts its banks, it is
known as a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF).
The Himalayas are home to a variety
of GLOFs, which are becoming more common as a result of climate change. Lakes
formed by melting glaciers are overflowing their banks, as shown in the
Uttarakhand disaster of 2013. Entire ice walls are crumbling into rivers,
similar to the terrible flood in Uttarakhand in February 2021. Glacier ice
sheets are slipping over meltwater in other parts of the world, including an
alarming example in northern Pakistan in May 2021. All of these events resulted
in flash floods, which caused extensive damage.
What Role Does Climate
Change Have In Forest Fires?
Drier woods are another effect of
climate change, resulting in more frequent and devastating forest fires from
Canada to California, Spain, Greece, Siberia, and Australia. South Asia is no
different. There is still insufficient media coverage of the region's growing
In two ways, forest fires
contribute to global warming. Carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas that
warms the Earth's atmosphere, is released when forests are burned. Then,
because burned trees can no longer absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
through photosynthesis, forest fires have the potential to destroy one of our
most precious carbon sinks.
Droughts Are Becoming More
Severe As A Result Of Climate Change
Central Asia saw its worst drought
in 13 years in 2021, from the end of June to the end of July. The situation has
since calmed down, but the threat still exists - in Central Asia and elsewhere.
Monique Barbut, the former head of
the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, has stated that illegal
immigrants from Africa and the Middle East are flooding Europe.
Climate Change Is Making
Coastal Areas More Saline
Another major effect of climate
change that people are beginning to see is the salinity of surface water and
groundwater around coasts, which is similar to drought. As sea levels rise as a
result of climate change, tides bring saltwater inland, polluting freshwater
ponds and rendering river water saline upstream.
At the same time, rising sea levels
are forcing seawater into aquifers. People who have little choice but to drink
more saline water suffer major health consequences, and excessive salinity in
the soil can make it hard to cultivate crops. These patterns have been reported
on by the Third Pole in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.
Disaster Response And
Policymakers all across the world
are realising that they can't stop climate change-related disasters. The best
they can do is control and prepare for disasters. Experts at the UN Office for
Disaster Risk Reduction have suggested a number of approaches, some of which
have been implemented effectively. Heatwave warnings, for example, are becoming
more often in South Asia. Flood early warning systems are one example in the
Himalayas. Cyclone deaths have decreased dramatically as a result of
meteorologists' improved ability to forecast storm tracks with a high degree of
accuracy. However, there is a pressing need to develop landslide and forest
fire warning systems.
How Do We Know About The
Links Between Climate Change And Disasters?
A new academic area,
attribution science, has emerged in the last decade. Scientists are now
investigating specific disasters to see if there is a link to climate change.
Two of the discipline's pioneers are on Time magazine's list of the 100 most
important people in the world in 2021.
The May 2015 heatwave in
the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, which killed over 2,500
people, was one of the first attribution studies. According to the findings,
climate warming has rendered a similar heatwave 10 times more likely than it
was previously.
the Author: Maham Noor is currently pursuing her degree in the field of
Environmental Sciences. She finds her interest in writing green blogs.