International jaguar day, a day celebrated
every year to highlight the need to conserve the cats, that are actually larger
than lions, because according to the conservation groups in 2021 only 15,000
wildlife jaguars are left.
In March 2018 there are 14 range countries
that are gathered for the “jaguar 2030 forum”. Among the many
voices that joined in this call for a Jaguar Day, was that of Dr. Alan
Rabinowitz, co-founder and former CEO and Chief Scientist for
Panthera, the global wild cat conservation organization. Known with respect and
admiration as the “Jaguar Man”
Background and importance
They play an important role in food web because it is at the
top of food chain. It is assumed that they are termed as keystone species for
controlling the population level of prey like in herbivores and carnivores and
in this way, we are helping other wildlife.
- The jaguar (Panthera Onca) is a largest cat that is native to America and third largest in the whole world and their size exceeded by lions and tigers, but they look more like leopards which are native to the Africa.
- It is the only species of genus Panthera that is left in the new world.
- The life span of jaguar is 12-15 years.
- They can eat almost everything, and they have a very powerful killing bite.
- The jaguar is mostly active at night and during twilight
- The jaguars which are living in densely forested regions like
in the Amazon Rainforest
- are largely active by day
- The jaguars which are living in the Atlantic Forest are primarily active by night.
- The activity pattern of the jaguar coincides with the activity of its main prey species.
- Jaguar is an expert climber and swimmer.
- In seasonally flooded forests, it lives to some extent on trees and preys wildlife that is living on trees
Based on 2020 research, jaguar populations are
growing steadily at WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) sites, averaging a 6.1%
increase per year.
Threats to the Jaguar:
These species, jaguar is threatened due to the following
- Loss of habitat
- Fragmentation of habitat
- Illegal killing for jaguar body parts like teeth, paws, and pelts for illegal trade
- Last but not the least threat is deforestation.
Conservation Techniques:
- Illegal trade of jaguar body parts should be banned as many countries as possible like Brazil, Columbia, USA and Panama has banned.
- In 1986, the Cockscomb
Basin Wildlife Sanctuary was established in Belize as the world's first
protected area for jaguar conservation
- Ecotourism should be promoted, and a great revenue will be generated which will get further used in the conservation of jaguar.
- Organizations should focus on the providing a connected habitat for jaguar, which will also benefit other species
- For decades, WCS has worked to protect jaguars, to ensure these big cats continue to roam the savannas, grasslands, and rainforests of the Americas. WCS’s model has three core elements:
- Securing large, well-protected areas as inviolate refuges for jaguars and their prey.
- Ensuring connectivity between those areas.
- Should cooperating with communities living across these landscapes to help meet their needs while also improving things for jaguars and other wildlife.
About the Author: Ramsha Hassan is a student of Environmental Sciences at
Government College Woman University, Sialkot