The climate mitigation mostly demands a sustainable system where every interconnected component will be involved for a sustainable environment. This is synonymous to circular economy. Thus, circular economy is the system to fulfil the demands of climate mitigation by reduction of materials consumption and sustainable production.

Circular Economy:

Circular economy is an economic system where the system rebuilds and regenerate. It works for both large and small businesses. The model sheds light on two cycles- biological and technological. In biological cycle, there is only consumption where food, wood and cotton gets back to the natural system by composting and anaerobic digestion. This natural cycle provides renewable resources to the economy. On the other hand, technological cycle reuse, remanufacture and recycle in the economy.

Circular Economy and Climate Mitigation:

Paris agreement is a milestone in the climate change mitigation where parties ambitious to keep the temperature well below 20c preferably to 1.50c. Fossil fuel based development might be at the centre of the climate change problem and one of the biggest challenge to Paris climate goal.  According to Emissions Gap Report of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), total greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 had reached 59.1 gigatonnes  of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2e). Around two-thirds of global emission are from private household for consumption centred system.  Circular economy have a greater prospect to reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emission considering low consumption. Circular economy promotes the reuse concept in the system which supports the low material flow in the system. According to a report of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develolment ( OECD), Production and fuel emissions are the largest source of emission. Source reduction and recycling reduce the highest amount of GHG emission per metric ton of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) diverted.

Way Forward:

Circular economy is a new opportunity to jump in for the sustainable environmental as well as economic system. It provides manifold benefits such as low material consumption, energy efficiency. It is more viable compared to linear economy where material flow is heavy. Circular economy is a new wave to the conventional business model.

About the Author: An amateur writer in her leisure time, Sharmin Shara Mim is currently working at BRAC Institute of Educational Development, combining her passion for communication and facilitation. She has been engaged in youth capacity building since her university years. In that pursuit, she has done two internships on youth capacity building and climate change. She has written a short story anticipating climate change impact on earth titled “Ice Age”.

She also believes in youth leadership role to have positive impact on earth. She has been awarded the young change maker titled “Rising Star” by Wedu global. She is also a youth member of YOUNGO- Children and Youth Constituency to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Her main areas of interest include youth, climate change, disaster management and conservation communication. She has completed her undergraduate academic degree in Disaster and Human Security Management from Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Bangladesh.