Water scarcity is not a menace in some countries, it
is serious global issue and it will get worse in future. Because only 3%
consumable water available in overall world that is reducing with the increase
demand and human being created difficulties. In simple term, Water scarcity
mean the huge gap between water demand and water supply that do not meet the
need of that area.
Some recent studies reported that in worldwide approximately
about 1.1 billion people have no access to water and 2.7 billion people face
water scarce issue for about 30 days of the year. 2.4 billion Populations
exposed to different water-borne disease due to improper sanitation. Many
causality was reported due to water pollution. International Monetary Fund
(IMF) stated that Pakistan ranked 3rd in the list of severe water
scarce countries. The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resource (PCRWR) in
2018 clearly stated by the end of 2025 there would be very low or no clean
water existing in Pakistan. It is projected that that per capita water availability
in 2020 shrink to 866m3 that move toward severity and will further
decrease to 660m3 by 2025 and 575 cubic feet by the end of 2050.
Due to water pollution in Pakistan, only 20% safe and
clean drinking water available. The left over 80% available water has been
contaminated by inadequate sanitation (total coliform, fecal, E .coli)
agricultural waste (fertilizer, pesticide) and industrial waste. These water
pollution source not only scarce the surface water but also groundwater
resource. Most of Pakistan’s industries directly emit the hazardous metals, oil
and dangerous chemicals into nearby water bodies. From agriculture fields,
chemical pesticide and fertilizer also runoff into rivers and lakes that
deteriorate the quality of surface water and that chemicals leach down in
aquifer that contaminate the water. It is reported in different research papers
ground water also polluted due to contamination of poisonous metal arsenic. It
is also pose risk who drink ground water. Over consumption and contamination is
main cause of water scarcity. Because Pakistan ranked 3rd that used
groundwater globally.
These sources not only decreased the quantity of water
but also effect the human health badly. It had reported that due to water
pollution is blamable for 80% of all infection and cause many deaths about 30%.
The quality of water pipes used to supply water is bad that contain single E
.coli bacteria. The main water-borne diseases in Pakistan are diarrhea,
dysentery, cancer, typhoid, hepatitis, bones and teeth disease.
To combat the water scarcity it is dire need of time
to focus and move on to solution.
Making effective
policies to conserve water and improvement in water quantity and proper
implementation in fields
Making strict laws
and regulation to conserve water quality
treatment plant is necessary for industries and disinfection treatment at
household level
Focus on other
methods like rainwater harvesting and recharge of aquifers
Improvement in
existing infrastructures and building of new dam sites in appropriate location
Restoration of
water bodies like lakes and wetlands
Conservation of
glaciers is also main point because due to global warming snow melt faster. In
Pakistan, it is major source of freshwater
Improvement in
water supply structures
Promote research
in field of water management
Reforestation can
play very important role in declining of water scarcity. It is helpful in
controlling flood, pollution and temperature
There are many other major cause of water scarcity in Pakistan;
increase population in urban areas, mismanagement of water in agriculture field
and Climate Change. Water scarcity and water pollution is also major reason
that decease vast amount of water. We must switch off these sources that
contribute to the water pollution. Government need to understand the severity
of issue and adopt the sustainable solution to manage the water resources.
About the Author: Urooj Fatima is a graduate of
Environmental Sciences from GC Women University, Sialkot.