Every other week, we read of a new water pollution
issue, some people often feel sick but sometimes, because of large-scale fish
die off the water pollution increases, and it is, linked with many other
adverse environmental impacts. Can, we turn the tide of growing water pollution
around. Human sources of water degradation include household and industrial
waste, agricultural waste, agricultural chemicals, and livestock waste, which
all end up in water bodies and cause water pollution if untreated or not
managed appropriately. Water pollution, if could not be controlled timely can
prove to be a great and big threat and menace to humanity, our planet and living and non-living organisms. So, an
urgent and proactive solution is the need of the hour to get rid of water
pollution and its disastrous impacts on everything and everywhere. It is
perceived as an invisible creeping threat in Pakistan.
As, a result of insufficient action or plan, today,
approximately 1 in 8 or 650 million people live in areas where water quality
risks are high due to the elevated levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
and 1/6th and 1/4th of the world’s population lives in
river basins where water quality risks are high due to excessive nitrogen and
phosphorous loadings. Levels of agricultural and domestic BOD, nitrogen and
phosphorous are elevated due to the unnecessary anthropogenic or man-made
activities. So, we need to prevent the usage of the unnecessary man-made
activities which are contributing to the norm of water pollution in Pakistan. We
should take proactive and effective steps to get rid of water pollution.
About the Author: Wardah Razzaq is a graduate of
environment from University of the Punjab, Lahore. She is an environmentalist, an
environmental and climate activist and an environment writer. She is determined
and committed for raising awareness among the general public regarding various
environmental issues, their impacts and solutions and how the Pakistani
citizens can become the responsible citizens when it comes for environmental
protection. She loves to write on nature, environment, sustainable development
and climate change.