Wardah Razzaq, Green Blogger
Heavy metals are natural elements in the lithosphere
which enter human food through industrial or agricultural activities in the
form of fertilizers and pesticides. Heavy metals are the root cause of various
problems in human body. Loss of bones, kidneys
damage, vascular disorders,
developmental abnormalities and
cancer are some
of the well-known health
problems associated with the
heavy metals contamination. Furthermore, these heavy metals are widely
scattered in the environment, exhibiting slow but toxic effects on the humans
and surroundings due to their biological and non-biodegradable nature. Heavy
metals such as iron, copper and zinc at low concentrations are vital to maintain
the metabolism of the body and they also play a significant function in various
biochemical and physiological functions occurring in the anatomy of the living
However, heavy metals
become harmful when they exceed certain limit. They are an important
atmospheric contaminant and their poisonous nature is a matter of concern for
the biological, developmental, beneficial and atmospheric concern. They enter
the atmosphere by natural as well as man-made activities. They originate from
the washing away of soil by water, surface runoff of rain water created by urbanization,
natural break down of the rocks,
quarrying, industrial and household waste and
pesticides which are used for
destroying insects or other organisms
harmful to cultivated plants. Atmospheric ejection, animal dung,
irrigation with the contaminated water, weed killers, use of fertilizers and
household waste management activities are the important causes of the trace
metals contamination in soil. Mercury
pollution takes place in the soil due to coal-fired power plants emissions
and this emission is the main source of the mercury pollution in the soil.
In addition, rapid
industrialization due to the urbanization and an increase in the rate of the
population in the developing countries such as India and China are the main
causes of heavy metals pollution. The contamination of all the food stuffs by
heavy metals is a significant parameter from food safety concern. They are
present in the food chain and prevail in different concentrations in human
Likewise, traces of
heavy metals contaminants are also present in the food waste. Food waste
includes the residues of
different foods like rice grains,
breads as well as leafy vegetables. It also includes the stuff which are associated with the daily intake
of different food items like chop sticks, tissue papers and many more. These
are the sources of heavy metals contamination in the foods
like, trace metals such as cadmium, chromium and lead are present in them. It has been seen that the levels of trace metals even in
the minute amounts can cause noxious effects on the health of the humans and its surroundings.
Iron is
one of the naturally occurring metal
which exists in the crust of earth. Mining activities are a root cause of the
iron contamination in the drinking water. Sulphuric acid is
produced due to
the discharge of the ferrous ions
that are formed due to the addition of
the oxygen in the iron ores which are abundantly present in the coal . The production of
the free hydrogen
radicals by iron in different processes damages the cells
and DNA
structure thus resulting in genetic disorders which can
further turn into
many diseases.
Moreover, methyl mercury is the most dangerous
form of the mercury. It accumulates in the fishes and the consumption of the
fishes is the major route of this form of mercury into the humans. The severe
mercury poisoning causes memory problems and fatigue.
In addition, cadmium is a metal which is present
in the surroundings through
naturally occurring phenomenas like
volcanic explosion and some man made activities such as welding, quarrying,
smoking, burning of household waste and usage of fertilizers. It
causes effects on the health of the workers working in the vicinity of an
industrial area or the people inhabiting that area. It can cause both short
term and long term effects. It is noxious to kidneys and causes kidney
diseases. It causes adverse effects in the pregnant ladies such as it results
in the premature births and reduces the birth weights.
Likewise, lead is a very noxious metal. The
extensive use of it has resulted in alot of atmospheric pollution and effects
on the human health in various regions of the world. The causes of the
increasing lead exposure includes
mainly anthropogenic sources such
as industrial processes, consumption of poisonous food and drinking water,
smoking and household sources. In the past it was widely used in the gasoline
and house paints. The effects of the lead on the human health include loss of
appetite, sleeplessness, arthritis, hallucinations and vertigo.
Similarly, there
are also many sources of
arsenic poisoning such as
drinking water which gets polluted by the use of substances which are used for
destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants, naturally occurring mineral deposits or improper
discharge of poisonous chemicals
in the drinking water. Arsenic contamination particularly affects the
skin in man.
Solutions to prevent heavy metals
contamination and pollution
Following steps can
be opted to get rid of the toxicity of heavy metals contamination:
monitoring of all other heavy metals should be emphasized.
guidelines on heavy metals in the different and various food items by the
relevant authorities in the manufacturing of wheat flours and other bakery
products should be given.
controlled use of fertilizers and pesticides should be encouraged to prevent
heavy metals contamination in the food items.
Use of
clean milling plates for the milling processes to prevent heavy metals leaching
and cross contamination and prohibits the use of contaminated water for the
irrigation of the crops.
About the Author: Wardah Razzaq is a
graduate of environment from PU, Lahore. She is an environmentalist,
environmental writer and climate activist. She is also envisioned to raise
awareness among the people related to different environmental issues and
committed at guiding and making the people aware that how they can become the
responsible citizens of Pakistan sustainably and environmental friendly through
my writings. She further says that it is our responsibility to protect our
environment so we, should protect it. She loves to write on nature, environment
and climate.