Mesheck Nkosi, a chemistry student from the UK born in Malawi, studied at Sheffield Hallam University. Author has many  interests and one of them is the state of the climate, he believes the climate can be helped before catastrophe. He has conducted his research and have currently been focussing on the idea of repairing the climate by introducing more oxygen into the atmosphere. The introduction of oxygen into the atmosphere can be done with good fertiliser and the right plants.

Conditions for research

It is a small project which is inhouse and ran off my own budget. There is no current large-scale manufacture of the fertiliser it is currently and experiment I am running with my knowledge from lab work. The conditions which lead to me considering a solution to the climate issue was noticing before the lockdown in China people wore mask to protect themselves from pollution. I did a personal test and noticed after taking about 3 deep breaths with my mouth open, it completely dried out which seemed irregular and lead me to believe that there is a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere and a resolution must be sought out. I am also a firm believer that now much like in China we are wearing face masks to protect from pollution as that may be where the lingering coronavirus lives. The idea is to push a lot of Oxygen out into the atmosphere to make the air clean and breathable again without getting sick and to push ozone into the Ozone Layer to reduce the amount of UV light beginning to enter our atmosphere.

Benefits of research

The main benefits the fertiliser holds are to clean the air and hopefully have us mask free soon. The fertiliser can produce oxygen but cannot take away the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, more research needs to be done in order to understand how to not only get rid of CO2  in the atmosphere but also convert it into oxygen. I have been running this experiment for about 5 months and have applied it to two evergreen plants and the results are phenomenal. I do not have any sensitive instrumentation to monitor the amount of oxygen being produced but with theoretical understanding I noticed a lot of cool breezes and rainfall in my area after applying the fertiliser. The fertiliser is cheap to make but downside of making it is there is no market for it, and I do not necessarily believe I can make a profit from making it. I cannot suggest how much fertiliser or how many plants and trees would be needed to fully replenish the atmosphere, but I can confirm that oxygen is produced in the reaction. I have done a lot of reading on the affects of oxygen on the body and how we need it to survive for example the active compound in paracetamol contains a lot oxygen in it which reacts with receptors in the body. There are many pathways oxygen can take into the body and its necessity is obvious thus leading me to believe that the effects of a lack of oxygen in the atmosphere would be very bad.

Oxygen fertiliser purpose

The oxygen fertiliser I have been producing is intended to replenish the ozone layer. The fertiliser is produced with no nutrients (nitrogen) to encourage oxygen production in plants not plant growth. To describe how it works solid CO2 is applied at the roots of the plant to induce photosynthesis by converting the solid CO2 into O2, regular photosynthesis by absorption of CO2 is still available to plant.

Production method

·         Hot water - 1ml

·         Cigarette ash - 0.2g (1 cigarette)

·         Apple - 0.5g

·         Bleach - 1 drop

·         Dry in sunlight 


Feed to evergreen plant or Ferris tree at the roots 1cm3 of plant per fertiliser produced and water the plant. Evergreen plants are important because they produce oxygen in the winter as well as the summer. 


The extent of time the fertiliser lasts is still being researched but there is a plentiful supply of oxygen produced after application, evident with gusts of wind and cool breezes. The reaction is accelerated with there being depleted levels of oxygen in the atmosphere, so equilibrium favours the reaction. 


The reaction is as follows solid CO2 from fertiliser at the roots is converted to O2 via photosynthesis. However, the oxygen is on the ground level and quickly forms O3 with water in the atmosphere but O3 produced initially forms on the ground level as well. The formula of reaction is O2 + 2H2O → H3O + O2 and H3O + HO2 + O2 → O3 + 2H2O.


Methane is one of the pollutants in the atmosphere and a methanic hurricane forms in the process, to alleviate this alcohol was splashed on the concrete to convert the methane to methanol CH4 + R-OH > CH2OH + R-H. H2O rises with the reaction of the fertiliser and algae is likely to produce so the best alcohol to splash on the concrete is lager because the yeast devours the algae.