Biodiversity, the variety of living species on Earth. Biodiversity
improve the ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all
have important role to play. We all are the part of this planet. Human greed
has changed the scenario of Eco-System to Ego-System. Our behaviors
to exploit natural resources, utilizing them on rapid pace and not giving time
to those resources to replenish them is leading towards a damaged society.
Our activities like urbanization, land use changes, encroachment,
invasion in forest and other fragile habitats have led to a destroyed environmental
conditions. It is the high time to revert back to such lifestyle where everyone
has the equal right to survive on this planet. We need to conserve aquatic systems
as well as terrestrial to meet the 2030 Agenda and to provide a better and
prosperous planet to our next generation. Following are the approaches enlisted
related to conserving aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem:
Conservation Approaches
Restoration of
the aquatic areas that have been
damaged or suffered habitat loss.
Plantation of trees in the catchment areas of water body prevent soil erosion and
subsequently reduce the problem of situation in water body resulting in
survival of aquatic organisms.
Avoid the
establishment of industries, chemical plants and thermal power plants near water resources as their discharge affect the ecology of
water body resulted in loss of biodiversity.
management is an important approach towards
aquatic diversity conservation.
public awareness is one of the
most important way to conserve aquatic biodiversity.
Conservation Approaches
Clear cutting
of forest should be prohibited.
The cutting of trees should get replaced by planting young trees to interchange the older one that were cut.
Encourage and
support local government initiatives
that shield habitat and reduce threats to biodiversity.
environmentally friendly product.
Each exam and
assignments should be conducted online
that may save numerous papers, this may facilitate in saving trees.
Hunting of
animal should be prohibited and strict
laws should be created for animal hunter.
Without biodiversity we cannot get to experience the beauty of the
nature, we cannot show the uniqueness of nature to our future generation
without preserving/conserving them.
A Healthy Life Is Possible In Healthy Environment
About the Author: Aqsa Abid is a student
of environment at GCWUS. She is passionate to write about environment and